Contains many nutrients that are good for the brain, and helps to release serotonin and dopamine which are the hormones of happiness

Cocoa is the key ingredient in chocolate confections, candy bars, boxed or bulk chocolates, many types of cookies and cakes.

It is also widely used in cosmetic products such as moisturising creams and soaps. Once the beans have been fermented and dried, they can be processed to produce a variety of products for example:

  • ​Cocoa Butter
  • ​Cocoa Powder
  • ​Cocoa Nibs and much more.


Cocoa has many positive effects on the body, helps to prevent heart diseases, contains many nutrients that are good for the brain, and helps to release serotonin and dopamine which are the hormones of happiness.

We supply dried and fully fermented cocoa beans.


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BASE Enterprise Centre, Michael Galvin Building, Damastown Road, Mulhuddart, D15 EPP4 Dublin Ireland

+353(0)15 654 240

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